If one thing can be said about community it is that teamwork is key to success. This is something I have come to understand more during this week of work at Songaia. They are not only a team amongst themselves, but also in their partnership with Journeys. We had the pleasure of helping to send the children off on their backpaking trips this past weekend. Journeys does an espcially good job of trying to make the trips a growing experience for the participants; I was happy to get to share in that and look forward to see the difference when they return.
It amazes me everyday how cohesive and orderly the days go in a community setting. It is evident how different the people are, how everyone has their own ways of doing things, but they all come seamlessly together somehow. I cannot say that I have a full understanding of the secrets behind the interworkings of community, but I have noticed a key ingredient. That being, everyone who belongs to Songaia sincerely puts effort into making the community work. They know that difficulties in decision making will arise and that people will not always agree on everything, but they take that in stride and use it as a way to make their bonds even stronger. Along with realizing the struggles, they sure do know how to have a good time. |
This week we had a good time indeed. We got to field trip to Widbey Island to harvest seaweed with a number of community members and children. It was such a delight to take a work day to do something more lesuirely and simply enjoy the company of our neighbors. |
All in all, Songaia is a machine full of many parts, and without each of those parts operating together the machine could not function. It is a blessing to be a part in this powerful machine.