Apples, pears and plums for sauce.
Tomatoes, berries, and many types of flowers that vary.
Bury the compost
As the sun marries the earth.
Proposed on spring,
And honeymooned on dirt for the plants to reach birth.
This land has been plentiful, plentiful I tell you!
Already so beautiful at face value.
but the most beauty experienced was putting the fruits and veggies
Through my face and through my mouth, through my stomach,
My goodness I love it!
Growing food means not seeing a budget
But seeing the buds get bigger
My heart gets centered.
And we store what’s left so we can love and grub through winter.
Hard work for the simple life.
Though God’s glory is exemplified when my eyes consume what grew
and my spirit receives the sense of life of what’s true.
Before I had a fig, I never had a clue
of what this earth had to give.
Before I had a ground cherry, my mouth was very sheltered.
The communities well connected.
Not helter skeltered like my friends had expected.
But well respected, and the goodness of life is certainly not neglected.
The land of croppurtunity.
Marching to the beat that the earth has spewed to me.
Thank you to the universe
and to this ever so loving community.