I just can not put in words what living and working at Songaia did for me. I have never transitioned so much in my life and I owe a lot to everyone at Songaia. You all taught me something important. If I were to explain what you all taught me, it would take a few pages more, so just know that each and every one of you carries within yourselves something very beautiful.
I am so blessed to have had you all as teachers, I will carry on the advice throughout my journeys. I wonder often how you all are doing and how the garden is getting along, I hope the holidays have been full of good memories and good food, although I'm very certain they were.

However, more and more signs pointed me to stay home. I have to involve myself in this town which I have grown up in, this town that is quickly turning into a city. I have got to help remind people we can still be a community. I got a job at a local health food store and I think I might get a job at the ecology center in town where I will also be taking a course to get my Permaculture Design Certificate.
Hopefully this involvement will be enough and my knowledge will grow so that I can begin to reach out to people. Even if it means going door to door getting signatures, pushing a few truthful words and having the possibility of being called a hippie and getting a door slammed in my face.

When this chaotic world attempts to enter my skull, I will find peace in the garden. Something I'm sure all the Biogaians understand well.