In my two month stay I was gifted with
- hands on education regarding permaculture, which I believe, along with re-establishing local urban communities (my passion), is the best hope humanity has of re-establishing a healthy ecosystem with the ability to generate abundance for all creation.
- the generosity of community in sharing experience and information which enhanced my knowledge and pointed me in new directions. Such blessings!!
- a deeper understanding of some of my physical challenges as well as increasing my strength and endurance via movement. Yeah!!!!! (no longer being glued to a chair at work)
- care and concern for my welfare. Thank you.
- helping hands. Thank you.
- laughter :) :o ^ho ho ha ha^

- song (oops...I forgot, but years ago I wrote two songs, so when I return, I would like to teach and sing them with you)
- being a witness (and having much fun movie night) to your community reaching out beyond your physical boundaries to build larger community
- healthy fresh food straight from the garden, definitely a labor of love
- so often breaking bread together, creating deeper personal connections to each one of you, thereby experiencing a very integral part of strengthening community
- intimacy of heart and spirit, so often missing in the outer world
- sincere gratitude
- appreciation of who I am and in return, who you are.........creating equity, reciprocity, balance. Three very important words in my life.
- observing and participating in a community of like mindedness alongside diversity of belief and thought, hopefully without anyone harboring harsh judgements of anothers differences (judgmentalism).
- Instead, knowing the communities commitment to finding ways to reconcile molehills (hopefully before they become mountains)with each other (often created by ass-u-m(e)-ptions, misunderstandings or past unresolved personal issues interfering with the present), which fosters through practice......empathy, acceptance and the act of letting go. Three important concepts I work to improve upon. In essence,
- the challenge to be and stay OPEN....... to conversations, ideas and personalities, which I see is the only thing that allows us to be FREE....to be, to change and to grow (supporting LIFE) in community.
Keep up the good work. Our world needs your experience and example. You have all blessed me in ways even I am not aware of yet. Still yet, the seeds have been planted.
Here is to you all, until we meet again.
Forever yours, In blessed community,