I think part of why I am having such a hard time portraying my time here is that I do not know the last time I felt this comfortable being myself. Between the relationships I have formed with the other interns and everyone else here, I have felt nothing but acceptance, support, and comfort. It's weird to me. I'm not overthinking every aspect of my life and to be honest I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself or this feeling.
I think there might be some weird juju here that is messing with me. Last week in the garden we talked about the dragon spirit that may or may not be lurking within the community and the more time I spend at Songaia the more I think there is something there.
I feel like this poem and series of photos are as close as I will get to portraying my time here thus far so please enjoy.
~The dragon spirit~
There is something about this place that I cannot quite describe
I don't think it can be described
It is more of a feeling
A sensation
I don’t know the cause of this sensation
Nor do I want to know
In my head, it's the dragon spirit that watches over and protects the beautiful people in and place that is Songaia