Permaculture, community, family and friends. These are all things that I have wrapped my heart and mind around since arriving to Songaia. The plants are beautiful and so are the ever-caring spirits of the members of this community. As each plant has grown upon my stay at Songaia, so has the fullness of my spirit. I originally embarked upon my quest in search of the next stepping-stones of my path and had no idea that I would have reached such a boulder of elevation, allowing me to fully see the possibilities of a better earth. Anything that is imaginable is manageable. That is something I have been aware of as long as I can remember, but I also remember a point that a feeling of hopelessness began to show it’s ugly self. This feeling arose from the idea that one individual cannot change or bring any benefit to the world. And this is a mixture of truth and deep falsehood. |
This is a not a world of separated individuals, but a world of a collection of individuals. Each individual holds an immense power within him or her self, and this power is not meant to be experienced and actualized alone. We are meant to inspire each other’s power as well as conjoin this collective power to begin a movement of change. |
We are all stewing into a pot, with many different flavors. Each flavor is special in its own right, but none is meant to overpower one another, only to compliment one another. Creating one cohesive flavor that nourishes the body and fuels the spirit. As a worldwide view, I would say as of now that we are all in a boiling state. Fighting for a cohesive flavor, but not quite there yet. |
Some want to prove that their flavor is the best, but the truth is, each flavor is as tasty as the next. Some surrender to the boasting flavors, or withhold the power of their own due to either self-consciousness or just being comfortable in what he/she believes they already taste like. Again, not letting the surrounding flavors compliment their own, but allowing them to be overpowered by them. Which is something we truly all must work on to reach a common ground. Embrace each flavor in it’s own powerful merit and trust that we can open heartedly let it become a part of us, as we are all part of each other to begin with. |
When this vibrant delicious mix is finally finished in its flavor of oneness that we are meant to be, the consistency is liquid. Flowing freely through the crevasses of the earth. A flood through the mountains, between each rock and each boulder. Not deep waters, just enough to water every tree around us. Whatever is open to the beauty of this flowing human spirit liquid will wade through it and let itself be nourished by it, and whatever is not meant to remain in space in time through this magnificent change will drown, and convert its once thriving energy into something more beneficial. This liquid will become so deliciously vibrant; that it’s taste will be almost like a powerful, unfathomable to the human pallet, tea. It shall be called Communi-Tea. Our individual communities must be conjoined with all other groups and individuals to actualize the fact that we are all one giant community of the earth. We shall drink from each other’s pots, and see how we can conjoin and relate each other’s flavors to become the giant pot that we are meant to be. When we reach the finished cooling state, through the earth we shall flow wide and free. |