9/14/17 Dirt is my Dry Shampoo. The name of my next blog. Haha. For the past couple weeks I have been coming inside for lunch with dirt warpaint on my face and a dirt “tan line” on my legs, but this is all just a testament to the work that’s going into putting up the rabbit enclosement. Yes, that’s right, enclosement - not fence. My new plan is to capture all the rabbits and put them inside the garden for a bunny wonderland. Think how cute that would be. It takes meticulous effort and some digging in the dirt, but I can all but guarantee a profit for the future. But really, the rabbit fence has been on my mind and has been a source of great work and a great learning experience for me - from tool use and knowledge to building materials and proper body mechanics. |
In other news, as the summer is coming to an end, I am beginning to plan my next steps after Songaia. I plan to road trip to the east coast and stay for a bit before embarking on some travels internationally. One thing we have been discussing among the intern group is how to not “fall back asleep” once we leave this magical place. What pillars do we want to stand on as we lead by example moving into the “new story”? What are things we can return to to give us back that strength and energy we felt at Songaia? How can we operate in an environment that’s so different than our ideal? Lots of things to ponder and mull over, but this leads to great questions and conversations. |