When we resumed construction we were right where I left off on my last blog post. We still had to tunnel beneath the concrete that was once a driveway and extend the trench along the west side of the cottage before we could lay any pipe or gravel. I don’t remember if it was in the original plan for the trench to wrap around the west side but the benefit is that it diverts all of the water to the row of blueberries. Although the gutter itself still needs to be put up on the shed to the east of the cottage, we added a section of pipe to connect it to the cottage’s drainage before refilling the trench.
There was something satisfying about waking up late to the sound of rain the next morning, knowing the project that took us a month to finish was being put to use on its first day of existence. Around here people are understandably disillusioned with the rain but I, like the blueberries, still find it refreshing.