You may have heard the story of a previous name for the property of Songaia Neighborhood, it was called Spring Hill Farm. In fact, I remember that name coming up when we were searching for a name for our greater neighborhood, at that time, the name didn’t rise to the top of list. Since the Covid19 hit our national shores, the community has been distancing and limiting our actions and perhaps our behaviors, the 3 of us who are 81 years old have been finding ways to connect with each other as often as possible. |
We are no longer shoppers, we don’t sit inside each others homes to check in each week, our evening meals are delivered to our door from the common house kitchen. None of us have been our in our cars more than once in 3 seeks! With a couple of exceptions, we 3 80’s+ have done a daily walk of about 30 minutes – you might see us going up and down the driveways of our Songaia Neighborhood and around to our mail boxes. Or, walking through the large development east of Life Song Commons. |
However, our best walk comes as we climb Spring Hill Mountain, the rather steep but small hill in the forest east of our community. Marilyn often leads the way with me following using my two red walking sticks followed by Chuck with his new bright yellow walking stick and clippers, trimming bramble as he goes. Chuck and I often carry our cameras to hold the beauty of a trillium and a berry flower OR a new shoot of a fern quickly emerging from the forest floor. Every now and then there is someone picking nettles, like the day we encountered and walked carefully around Jacob with his bag and clippers – yes, gathering the nettles for tea. |