“Where do you see yourself in the future?” I have been asked this question by friends, family, and people that I have just met. Even my inner voice has asked myself this question more times than I can recall. No doubt that at one time or another, most of us have come to moments in life where we find ourselves at a fork, having to choose only one path; knowing that it is capable of completely changing the direction of our future. It really is a scary thought, or...an exciting one!
“Should I stay in Chicago or should I turn the page to a new chapter and move to the west coast?” That questions was driving in circles inside my mind since last March. I had a stable job, a very spacious apartment, great friends, and volunteer work that was very rewarding. But after living in Chicago for almost 5 years, my inner voice was telling me that my cycle there was almost coming to an end, maybe it was intuition too. Though I had some of the most wonderful memories and life lessons there, I was starting to feel that it was time to move forward.
Nostalgia and fear of the unknowns didn’t help one bit. But somehow I knew that the wall that we but up to keep disappointments and discomfort, is the same wall that keeps adventure and growth out. So it was decided, “I am going to make the move”, didn’t know quite how but, knew that it was going to happen.
I started to think that since I was going to be moving back to the west coast, it would be a great opportunity to see if it would be possible to be near nature and learn about organic farming in Washington state. Having a sibling who had been live outside of Seattle for a few years, and visiting the area several times, I just knew that I had to spend some time here. So my research began, I started to read blogs and looked for classes and other things that would allow me to experience the nature of the area but at the same time learn and take some of that knowledge and share it with others.
I came across a website that connected people with organic farms. The volunteers would work and learn at the organic farms and the host would provide them a place to live and meals. I felt that it was just what I was looking for. I reached out to them and let them know that I was interested in their summer internship. After several emails, an application, and a video call interview, I was invited to be one of their interns.
I arrived and was greeted by kind and caring people from day one. The following day, I had to opportunity to meet the other interns and work alongside them out in the garden. Being outside for a change, surrounded by plants and trees was just what I had hoped for. Delicious meals, many of them made with things we had harvested that very same day, have been a real treat. The lessons, videos, and lectures have really expanded my understanding of permaculture. I can’t believe this is only the first week. No doubt that there is many more amazing lessons and experiences in the coming weeks. I am starting to feel like the path I chose, to become a summer intern at Songaia, on that fork on the road was the right one for me.