Instead of giving in to the sickness, I told myself I wanted to wake up brand new as the birds call the earth to do every day the sun rises.
My grandfather has always told me it is a good day when you wake up and hear the birds singing. When you wake up and sickness shrouds your being like a thick veil, it's hard to see the sun's rays shining through and you anticipate a gloomy day as your body drags along trying to keep up with your mind's expectations.

Our air, water, soil and perhaps most species are diseased. Our minds are diseased. These steel giants which breathe dark clouds and spit dark water are draining us of hope. However, as Helen and Phil reminded me, what shadows the light within can only drive us closer to enlightenment. The soil understands this. When something dies, the soil does not weep, it turns it into something new, something fertile. The soil will know how to heal the Earth so as soon as we do our job to keep the soil healthy, we are keeping our health in order as well. The soil takes death and turns it into flowers.
The sun will continue to rise and every morning the bird's song reminds us that it's a brand new day. The heaviness of the dream is behind and the light is ahead to lift us. What reflects in our world, is what we're building inside ourselves. If we build health and happiness, our surroundings will reflect the same. With this, there is hope.
With a community like Songaia reflecting health and happiness, there is hope.
"Let everyone sweep in front of his own door and the whole world would be clean." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe